
由TMizoshita著作·2011·被引用2次—Question:A60-year-oldmanwasreferredwithsuddenonsetofbloodystoolsaccompaniedbylowerabdominalpain.,2018年2月7日—Theseulcersarepainfulandhavea“punchedout”appearance.Othersymptomsorcharacteristicsofarterialulcersinclude:red,yellow,or ...,由AJBlumstein著作·2022—Ecthymaisadeep,ulcerativeversionofimpetigothatischaracterizedbypunched-outulcers,mostcommonlyobservedonthel...

A Case of Punched

由 T Mizoshita 著作 · 2011 · 被引用 2 次 — Question: A 60-year-old man was referred with sudden onset of bloody stools accompanied by lower abdominal pain.

Arterial vs Venous Ulcers

2018年2月7日 — These ulcers are painful and have a “punched out” appearance. Other symptoms or characteristics of arterial ulcers include: red, yellow, or ...

Chronic superficial ulcers on the trunk

由 AJ Blumstein 著作 · 2022 — Ecthyma is a deep, ulcerative version of impetigo that is characterized by punched-out ulcers, most commonly observed on the lower extremities.

Differential diagnosis of leg ulcers

Chronic arterial insufficiency (10%). Arterial ulcer is found on feet, heel or toe; Painful, especially when elevated; Punched out ulcer; Cold, white, shiny ...

Leg ulcers

The borders of the ulcer appear as though they have been 'punched out'. It is associated with cold white or bluish, shiny feet. There may be cramp-like ...

Multiple Discrete, Punched

由 HY Chiu 著作 · 2011 — It can appear as necrotic ulcerations, pustules, blisters, nodules, echthyma gangrenosum-like lesions or necrotizing cellulites [3]. Alsuwaida reported a SLE ...

Multiple Punched Out Ulcers and Scars over Glans

由 P Dey 著作 · 2022 — Sir,. A 40-year-old man presented with multiple asymptomatic ulcers over glans penis for the past 5 years. The ulcers used to heal with scarring.

Punched out ulcers with fibrin basis.

Livedoid vasculopathy most commonly affects the distal lower extremities and is characterized by irregular, punched-out, painful ulcers that heal with stellate ...

Ulcers - Arterial - Neuropathic

On examination, neuropathic ulcers are variable in size and depth, with a “punched out appearance” (Fig. 3). They occur most commonly on sites of pressure on ...